Measuring safety performance | Tempus FM

Safety performance measurement

Measuring safety performance is essential for organisations because it allows them to gain valuable insights into how effectively safety procedures are working over time. Modern workplaces are constantly evolving as new equipment and technologies are introduced.

This means that health and safety procedures also need to be adapted to keep up with the ever-changing environment. This continued awareness will help to prevent a range of incidents that can prevent workplace illnesses, injuries and in some cases, deaths.

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What do we look for when measuring safety performance?

Ideally, you want to be able to see how effective your current safety controls and systems are. This information will make it clear whether enough is being done or if you need to review your policy and make improvements.

Measuring performance will allow you to answer the following important questions.

  • Are you getting better or worse over time at controlling hazards?
  • Do you have a clear and effective health and safety management system in place across the entire organisation?
  • Do your employees feel comfortable and knowledgeable about health and safety in the workplace?
  • How do you compare with the official industry regulations?

By answering these questions, you’ll have a better understanding of where you stand in terms of safety in the workplace. This information will help you to allocate resources into areas that need improvement and make progress where it matters most.

What else can we do to measure health and safety?

There will never come a time where any organisation can say ‘That’s it, we’re finished.’ when it comes to health and safety. There’s always more you can do to obtain fresh information, learn new methods and create a safer workplace.

Here are just a few of the ways you can continue to improve your workplace safety.

  • Health and safety inspections
  • Near-miss reporting
  • Training achievements
  • Good housekeeping
  • Additional safety exercises

Through proactive activities like health and safety inspections and near-miss reporting, you can keep a close eye on crucial data relating directly to your workplace. If you notice your workplace failing inspections more frequently then that’s a direct sign to make improvements.

Unfortunately, you can’t always just report the successes. Making records of near-misses is an excellent way to identify problems that need rectifying. If there’s a sudden increase in near-misses, then perhaps it’s time to put up an extra sign or provide some further training.

Make your workplace safer today

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Workplace safety is no easy task and it should never fall solely onto the shoulders of one individual. If you’re struggling to maintain a safe workplace, you can alleviate all the stress and benefit from excellent support by outsourcing the management of your building.

Here at Tempus, we provide a complete range of facility management services. This includes everything from grounds maintenance to fire safety. We can, of course, implement measuring safety performance as part of our duties and ensure compliance with the relevant regulations is met at all times.

Feel free to contact us today over the phone, by email or through a contact form. We’ll be happy to answer any questions and explain in more detail how we can help you.